Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thankgiving

Thanksgiving is for giving thanks.

We've talked a lot about what we're thankful for lately. It's nice to have a holiday to remind us of such an important feeling. We've discovered we're thankful for BIG things like our lives and our families and little things like cookies and sharp pencils.

One day I asked the kids what they were thankful for that tastes good. Those were easy answers. Next I asked them what they were thankful for that tastes bad. That took a little more thought.

"Medicine because it helps me."

"Vegetables because they're good for me."

"Potatoes because I don't like them but my family does."

The whole Shaker Lane Community is feeling thankful this time of year !

I'm thankful to work at a job that I love. I sat down one night to think about one thing that made me smile about each student. I hope everyone already knows that I'm thankful for them, but just in case, this is a great opportunity to be sure!

We'll have our own little feast.....

I'll let the kids tell you what's inside those "turkey legs".

You may enjoy these Thanksgiving Resources for a little family fun! (Search Thanksgiving printables)






Monday, November 24, 2014

Writing recipes and playing games

We're a group with many talents....

Earlier this week we practiced using time ordered words such as first, then, next, and finally to write directions. Some chose to organize their steps using bullets or numbers. We published our results.


Here are a few sample recipes:

I must say, I learned many new techniques and picked up some great tips! Everyone brought home a book today. Be sure to check out all of the recipes.

We finally filled our HEART jar! It's quite a feat earning 100 hearts.

We voted to celebrate by bringing in our favorite games. It was a lot of fun sharing them with each other.

Honesty Effort Acceptance Respect Take responsibility


Monday, November 10, 2014

Veterans Day

The eleventh hour of the eleventh day
of the eleventh month

To honor our veterans and bring meaning to this day, we asked our second graders to talk with their families about veterans they know or have known.

Names were sent in and added to our Wall of Honor.

Thank you Mrs. Sturtz for writing every name!

You've earned a heart for EFFORT!

The children have taken great pride in finding names of friends and family and sharing them with others.

Reading stories has helped us to understand big ideas like "sacrifice", "honor", and "commitment".




To all of our veterans...

Thank you for your courage and service to our country.

We honor you this Veterans Day.








Friday, November 7, 2014

Social Studies Research

As we learn about immigration, we're discovering that our families came to America from many different countries. Each student is researching a country from his or her heritage.

We're using books, maps and technology to find out about the culture, the region, the flag and other cool facts!

Students with the same heritage are researching together.

Today we finished our ancestor dolls. They are clothed in traditional dress from their countries.


We'll be watching the movie Molly's Pilgrim,

next week. This Academy Award Winning

Short Film inspired this project.


Along with our heritage, we've learned a bit about out extended families. Our FAMILY TREE project showed how families branch out but are connected by roots. Many children were surprised to see the visual comparison of each side of their families.

Here's a song we learned from Tom Chapin about Family Trees.


Sunday, November 2, 2014



In terms on anticipation, this week was right up there with winter break and the last week of school!


We did our best to mix in a little learning with the "elephant in the room".

In the morning we conducted PUMPKIN INVESTIGATIONS.... First predicting, then measuring the height and circumference of our pumpkins. Then we labeled them with adjectives.

We listened to a story to get us in the mood.

The kids were not quite themselves in the afternoon....

Mrs. Holm and Mrs. Sturtz had the ULTIMATE coffee break!

Thank you to our parents for donating supplies and treats for our party. Mrs. Morvay and Mrs. Burns kept us busy with BINGO!


Thank you to Mrs. Pletcher for the great photos!

I hope the fun carried into the night! I can't wait to hear all about it on Monday.