What a week we had! It all began with opening ceremonies Olympic style. We stamped our passports and headed for Brazil. After making visors and flags, we met our fellow second grade athletes down at the field and recited the Olympic Oath together. Festivities kicked off with an Olympic torch relay.
Later on we made rain sticks to represent the rainforests in South America then we were off to Australia.
We practiced some of the slang from down under and played a fun game called "Who's caught the roo?". After learning about the Aboriginal Art form of dot painting, we tried it out. Mr. Gansenburg showed us how to play a didgeridoo!
The next day we stamped our passports to enter China. We joined our fellow Olympians for a chopstick chicken relay. Back inside we practiced using chopsticks, made tangram pictures, painted fans with Chinese symbols and played Chinese Checkers.
The next day we explored Africa. We began in the northern region learning about the customs of Egypt. Decked out in gilded headdresses and collars, we worked on reading and writing hieroglyphics. In the afternoon we traveled south and explored the cultural tradition of African mask making and played Mancala.
Our last stop was India. Two first grade students visited to teach us traditional games they play. In the afternoon we had fun learning a tag game called Ko Ko. We learned about the art form of henna and practiced some designs. Later, we read a traditional tale and played snakes and ladders. Mrs. C. brought in hand carved wooden elephants from India. We listened to traditional music as we colored in mandala elephant designs.
Where can your imagination take you?