Saturday, September 23, 2017

Welcome FALL!

We've enjoyed another busy week in room 205. During math centers we explored strategies for making 10. Mastering these facts will help us to add and subtract more efficiently.

1+9 2+8 3+7 4+6 5+5

Everyone is enjoying Humphrey. He's the main character in the chapter book we're reading. He stars in a whole series of books. Mrs. Abruzzesi has the set in our library.

We completed our first multimedia project. Our posters combine photographs, writing and paint. They will be on display at Open House, September 28.

Writing is in full swing. We continue to write to our families each Friday, respond to prompts in our journals, and we just wrote our first fictional story. Students who needed a little inspiration, spun the story wheel first.

We have a FULL curriculum in second grade but as busy as we we are, we still find time to foster individual curiosities. Based on the premise of Genius Hour used by companies such as Google, students explore topics that interests them. We'll use books, iPads, Chromebooks, physical materials and school personnel to aid in our research on Wednesdays.

What are you curious about?


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Seeing spots, Raising Awareness and Looking at Learning

Seeing Spots

September 15th was International Dot Day based off of Peter Reynold's book, The Dot. The story encourages readers to take a leap, "make a mark, and see where it takes you."

Many students and staff wore dots to celebrate.

We created art, listened to the story and toured the school on a scavenger hunt for dots.

Raising Awareness

After watching a BrainPop video about hurricanes and talking about recent events in Texas and Florida, we made posters to increase awareness about Shaker Lane's Hurricane Relief Coin Drive. It was exciting to make the first contributions!

Looking at learning

We learn everyday in many ways. This week we learned about ourselves and each other on the inside and the outside. We explored the many places math exists outside of our math class and we monitored the growth of our morning glories since planting them on the first day of school.

How do you use math?


Sunday, September 10, 2017

Our first week

Back to Learning

This week we learned about our classroom and each other. Everyone wrote down a class rule that was important to them. After sorting them, we realized that every one related to respect.

Our three class rules are


We talked about what to do if you made a mistake. The liquid Paper is seeing a lot of action! Our family tree is building. Keep those photos coming!!

Thank you for sending in the coins for math practice. We gave them a good cleaning and began our explorations.

Everyday we have ten minutes of quiet time. Ask your child how he/she spends that time.