Sunday, September 7, 2014

First Week of School

We made it through our first week!
Although we did sneak in a little writing and math, this week was about getting comfortable with each other and our surroundings.
We started each morning with a meeting and a greeting. This is a great way to learn each other's names and practice using eye contact when greeting someone.
We shared some fun books this week. Ask your child what they were about.

Now that we're on the second floor, we are up and down the stairs all day every day! We talked about the importance of knowing how to tie our shoes. We read a book, watched a video and broke up into study groups to practice. The video we watched can be found in an earlier post on this blog. There are many other shoe tying videos on YouTube.
The kids did a great job filling and sharing their "ME BAGS". We learned a lot about everyone.

We have a terrific class! I know it will be a great year!