Monday, December 14, 2015

Social Studies and Science

Seek and you will find! Our class has been deep in research as we explore the cultures of our ancestors. Second graders are always amazed to discover their family roots. This is a great way to learn about geography and customs around the world.

In the story we learned that there are modern day pilgrims who move to new countries to live freely. We continue to talk about immigration and accepting and celebrating differences. At morning meeting, we're learning to greet each other in different languages.

The ancestor dolls came out great! Thank you to Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Mac for helping out!

Today we enjoyed a visit from Jupiter Judy. She works for a company called High Touch High Tech. One of our science units is about plants. We'll study about them more in the spring. Today we learned how plants pull water up through their roots (capillary action) and how plants make food (chlorophyll) we even learned about a plant's baby, (embryo).



Sunday, November 15, 2015

Combining Curriculum

We've been combining curriculum and mixing media. As part of our geography study, students learn to read and create maps. The maps are 2D and 3D and the mediums are low and high tech. They did a wonderful job constructing miniature models of their bedrooms. To tie in scale and perspective, the students wrote a fantasy story using their models as a setting.

The students learned a new reading strategy this week called, TEXT CODING. This involves responding to the text either while reading or after reading with codes on small post-it notes. The purpose is to focus the reader, help him or her to make more meaningful connections to the text and drive follow up discussions about the story. Students have practiced coding both fiction and non-fiction texts.

Our reading skill this week was identifying the main idea. We read Super Storms by Seymour Simon in our Journeys Book.

Using two apps on the iPad, Drawing Pad and Book Creator, we're making easy reader eBook versions of Super Storms to share with our Kindergarten Book Buddies. These versions will highlight the main idea of each page.



Sunday, November 1, 2015

Happy Halloween


It was hard to keep our enthusiasm under wraps until the parade but we had some fun writing and reading spooky stories during the day.

We transformed into a pretty motley crew!

Thanks to all the parents who made donations to our party. It was a BOOtiful display.



Thursday, October 15, 2015

Making messes, friends and memories

We're finishing up with the Pebbles, Sand and Silt Science Unit. Can you see the layer of silt in this vial? Ask your young scientist where silt is commonly found.

We figured we'd finish up with a bang or at least a big mess. Here we investigated clay. As a form of rock, we saw it break down in water and harden again.

We've teamed up with Mrs. Donahue's Kindergarten Class for book buddies. Once a week we'll visit to work on a project together and read a few stories. This is a great opportunity for the second graders to work on their oral reading and expression as they need to hold the attention of their young audience.

Speaking of audiences... mark your calendars! Willow Books in Acton is hosting a Halloween Celebration on Sunday, October 25th at 12:00. Several students in our class submitted their stories to the Scary Story Contest at the bookstore. Winners will read their stories to a costume clad audience that day. I'm proud of everyone for believing in their work and taking a chance.

Monday, October 12, 2015

No stone unturned!

There are some new "personalities" in room 205! There are more than minerals making these rock stars shine.

October is bus safety awareness month at Shaker Lane. All classes are reviewing rules and talking about ways to show HEART when riding the bus. Mrs. Mathurin our guidance counselor, visited to talk with us and share a movie about this topic.

All classes are contributing a bus safety rule to the HEART gallery bulletin board in the front lobby.



Sunday, October 4, 2015

A new season

Fall is surely upon us! We felt the chill in the air as we set out to gather rocks that met certain criteria. We've learned that minerals create the colors and sparkle in rocks and that water and rubbing make them smooth.

You can see the progress on the real life rock project in the background. There is one more coat of asphalt to go on the new hard top!

Everyday room 205 starts their morning with a meeting and greeting. This week we learned a new greeting, the shoe match. It was pretty popular!

We spent the week reading about dogs and ways they can help people. We learned how animals can be trained to help people with hearing and visual impairments as well as people confined to wheel chairs. We talked about how humans and animals interact and ways they can have calming or threatening effects on each other. We did an experiment by reading to our pets. Many students found that their pets relaxed to the sound of their steady voice.

Speaking of reading...

I noticed this warning label on an advertisement recently. It sounds like a risk worth taking!

Thank you to the PTA for organizing the Scholastic Book Fair and to all the families who so generously donated books to our class!



Saturday, September 26, 2015

Rockin', rehearsin', and Rollin'

It's been another busy week in room 205. We've gotten some relief from those warm stifling temperatures, so we're ready to listen and learn. We read about a bunny named Howard B. WiggleBottom. He helped us with some strategies for good listening.

Mrs. Susser, a speech teacher at Shaker Lane taught us a Rehearsal Strategy to help remember directions. She had some great helpers!

Our study of rocks and rock materials continues as we delve into how rock breaks down and what elements are inside.

We discussed that asphalt and concrete was made from rock. After many years of wear of tear, the hard top behind Shaker Lane is finally being repaved!!! I'm hoping to get someone from the paving company to talk to our class about the process of turning rocks into asphalt.


As I explained at curriculum night, not all students have the same spelling lists each week. Their words and homework activities are designed to help them practice the individual skills they need. Next week they will receive usernames and passwords for In class we help each other learn words and patterns.



Thursday, September 17, 2015

Lots of learning


Today we started our science unit, PEBBLES, SAND AND SILT. All were familiar with pebbles and sand but that word silt raised a few eyebrows.

Our discussion began with the big ideas for our study and we listed as many rock forms as we could think of. Pretty good eh?

Next we talked about the difference between looking at and observing an object. Magnifying glasses helped us to find unique qualities in three different types of rock.


In reading this week we read Henry and Mudge by Cynthia Rylant. Henry thinks Mudge is the perfect pet.

We've talked a lot about character traits in terms of facts and opinions as we don't all agree on the "perfect pet". Today we wrote persuasive letters to our parents, doing our best to convince them to welcome a new pet to our family. We're hoping to get a response! :) The kids loved reading the letters from their parents after open house last night.


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Settling in

It's week two in second grade. Blue and Berry arrived! They are excited to be back at school and are showing off their yoga moves.

We talked about class rules. Ask your child how our red and yellow cards are inspired from the world of soccer. Everyone earned their first raffle ticket on Tuesday. We're looking forward to the prize drawing on Friday, thank you to everyone who sent in donations to our prize box!

We're working on a mixed media project for Curriculum Night. So far we've written the poems and started painting.

Due to the heat, we had an extra block of time in the air conditioned TECH LAB. Here we are exploring the ABC-YA site.



It was time for a little fun at the end of a hot day...