Saturday, September 26, 2015

Rockin', rehearsin', and Rollin'

It's been another busy week in room 205. We've gotten some relief from those warm stifling temperatures, so we're ready to listen and learn. We read about a bunny named Howard B. WiggleBottom. He helped us with some strategies for good listening.

Mrs. Susser, a speech teacher at Shaker Lane taught us a Rehearsal Strategy to help remember directions. She had some great helpers!

Our study of rocks and rock materials continues as we delve into how rock breaks down and what elements are inside.

We discussed that asphalt and concrete was made from rock. After many years of wear of tear, the hard top behind Shaker Lane is finally being repaved!!! I'm hoping to get someone from the paving company to talk to our class about the process of turning rocks into asphalt.


As I explained at curriculum night, not all students have the same spelling lists each week. Their words and homework activities are designed to help them practice the individual skills they need. Next week they will receive usernames and passwords for In class we help each other learn words and patterns.