Monday, March 30, 2015

Curiosity and Discovery

This is one of my favorite quotes. There is great wisdom in it. I encourage my students to always be curious.

Recently I challenged them to write down a different wonder each day. Some wondered what their family members and pets did while they were at school, others wondered about Earth and space, and some wondered about their own lives.

In Social Studies, we're studying the World Map and learning the locations of the seven continents and five oceans. In an effort to make the world a bit of a smaller place and make some global connections, I held up a few items and asked my students where they thought they were made. Immediately one child stated that everything was made in China. Hmmmm, I WONDER if that's true.....

As they explored items in their desks, around the room and the clothes and shoes they wore, we did hear "China" but we also heard, Honduras, Vietnam, Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Canada and wait for it...USA!

Tonight they will explore their homes for products. I can't wait to hear about the results!