Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Fabulous First Day!

Despite the heat, our new second graders worked hard and played hard on their first day. Before recess, we completed an activity called Who's in your Circles? This was a fun way to find friends with similar interests. Everyone made a recess plan and we headed outside for some fun in the sun!

Next, we practiced teamwork during the spaghetti tower challenge! One marshmallow, 20 sticks of spaghetti, and 36 inches of tape and string came together in a free standing tower. The tallest was 27 inches high...well done everyone!

The rest of our day was filled with reading, math, writing and a bit of free time.

We wrote letters to our families at the end of the day. It seems everyone had a successful first day. I think we're all excited to come back tomorrow! :)

How was your day?