Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Play, Mark, Celebrate!

WOW...what a week! We started out with Global Play Day. This initiative began in 2015 with over 177,000 registered students partipating. The event promotes unplugged, unstructured play in schools. This year, over 385,000 students from 58 nations participated.

Pokemon battles and trips to the veterinary hospital and salon were some of the popular activities in our class.

Tuesday marked the 100th Day of School.

Students were welcomed into the second grade hallway through a 100 portal!

Some children dressed up like 100 year olds!! We all enjoyed exploring the number 100 in different ways throughout the day. Ask your child about the story, How to Babysit a Grandpa.

Wednesday welcomed Valentine's Day! This day reminds us to let our family and friends know how special they are. We made cards for our families and our Book Buddies. Later in the day we opened Valentines from classmates.

Amidst all this excitement, we continue to read our biographies and work on our reports and timelines. We're focusing on character traits and finding supporting evidence in the text. Everyone seems excited to bring in their posters on Friday!


Thursday, February 1, 2018


Full STEAM ahead!

Second Grade held their first full STEAM day.

The CHALLENGE was to build a raft that would float, hold a small tiger figure (Shakey), and support him in an upright position while waves shook the raft.

Teams were tasked to work together to plan, design, construct, test and resign if necessary.

Parent volunteers, students from the middle school, Dr. Klenchy, Mrs. Kane and even Shakey himself were on hand to offer advice and encouragement!

The STEAM teams documented their efforts by taking pictures on an iPad and creating PicCollages using an app. Everyone uploaded their collage to their Google Drive to keep a copy. Be sure to check out your child's collage in his/her drive account!