Saturday, October 4, 2014

What have we been up to?

October is Blindness Awareness Month.

Finley and her vision teacher Mrs. L, put together a wonderful interactive presentation for us. We learned about the Braille Alphabet, had an opportunity to see books in Braille and decoded some words. Finley Brailled all of our names! We each received a card and had to figure out whose name it was.

We learned about special equipment such as Braille Blocks and even Braille Legos.

Thank you Finley and Mrs. L.....GREAT JOB!


In SCIENCE we continue our study of rocks.

Students were interested to learn that each birth month had their own stone.

Fortunately Mrs. Sturtz was wearing Emeralds and peridots that day and could show us actual gemstones.

We learned that MINERALS give rocks their color.

The PET ROCKS came out awesome! The kids really gave them personality. In writing we've been working on fictional adventure stories starring our rocks.

Next week we'll tour the school grounds looking for manmade materials that come from rock.


Thank you to our PTA and classroom families for donating these wonderful books to our classroom!