Sunday, May 3, 2015

Goods and Services...Littleton Style!


One of our Second Grade Standards is to identify the difference between a good and a service and be able to give examples of businesses within a community that offer each. To make this more meaningful, I focused this lesson on the goods and services offered in Littleton.

Mrs. Sturtz and I had a great time driving around town snapping photos of local businesses. We did cross the line into Westford to capture Kimballs because well, we just had to.

After an interactive slide show and discussion of the town businesses, the students sorted the photos into goods, services, and those that offered both. They added details about the kinds of goods and services available.

Next I offered them the hypothetical opportunity to create their own business. First they decided whether it would offer goods or services. They were asked to consider the need for the business based on what our town already had.

After writing their business plan, they designed a sign for their store.

The last step was writing and working in teams to film commercials for their businesses.